Hi Everyone! I have hacked mom's blog! I will start here by telling you how unfair and boring my parents are. The only time I got to go outside was just to go somewhere. Why didn't I get to play outside with the puppies this weekend? :(
Friday night, my mom was with Andie most of the afternoon. Miss Andie got a pedicure while mom slurped down Java House. They picked up Andie & Brian's rings for their wedding, ate at Chic-Fil-A, where they were weirdly in awe of these ketchup packets, and went to Hobby Lobby. Twice.
Don't worry, Dad and I held up the walls in.the.house.
Mom had to work Saturday. Yuck. But, I didn't mind... Our neighbor Melissa rocked me to sleep and I love her for that. Dad had a softball tournament, and mom managed to pick up my disc of pictures from Miss Wendy. How cute am I?
And this was the closest I could get to going outside:
Did you know that my mom spats my hand and tells me "No, Mackenzie" every time I touch that? And I just laugh at her because I am as stubborn and tough as my daddy! haha!
Sunday, Mom worked again. All I know is patients slapped, bit, and threw up on her. I thought I was the only one who could get away with that stuff?
Mom and Dad had Nursery, and I came home and took a 3 1/2 hour nap after church!
Then, mom made me this cute wreath for my 1st Birthday party, picked up my invitations, and made these Pom Poms.
My Nene and Pop got home from Florida late Saturday night.
Nene and Pop made us a wonderful steak dinner and the brought me lots of goodies home from Florida.
And just for my mom's record, this weekend marked a year that her water broke. Cassen took her to the hospital Sunday morning, just for them to send her back home. Didn't they get the point I was ready to meet my family? I ended up hanging out for another 2 weeks, and that is how I ended up with Pneumonia when I was born.
Thanks for letting me hack my mom's blog tonight. I hope y'all have a great week, and please tell the weatherman that I am ready for that Spring weather we had last week!