
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My blog is going to be hijacked with all sorts of wedding stuff for the next two months.This June, I get to go with Dustin, Mackenzie and my family to St. Thomas to marry Dustin! We cannot wait to go, and I want to keep up with all the small details that we have to pick. It will be fun to look back on... So here are some pictures I have been drooling over...




Just for my memory... Dustin and I decided a long time ago we wanted to have a very small wedding. We want this day to be all about us, and after being in my friend Andies' beach wedding last year, we knew this would be so much fun... And since we did things backwards (baby first), this works out perfect to have my family there with us to help with Mackenzie.

Let the madness begin.....    

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  1. Wow! I stumbled on your blog when looking for pix of St. Thomas. My husband,Dustin, and I are going there for our Christmas get away! He is also from Arkansas and bleeds Razorback Red. Any tips or advise for our first trip to St. Thomas?


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