Allergic Reaction & Back Yard

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Yesterday, we decided to take Mackenzie to the Dr. The rash on her face wasn't getting any better so we took the quickest appointment they had available with a different doc since ours was booked. Dustin sent me a few pictures while they were waiting along with some rants from parents not watching their kids :)
The rash was all over her mouth.... I am glad it already looks better. We skipped her morning dose and have been giving her Benadryl. They decided that she is allergic to the Amoxicillin, so they gave us a new mediciation to give to her.
Now on to some super exciting stuff... Here are some pictures of our back yard in all of its progress. Dustin has wanted to do this for 3 years so we are all very exciting to have it going.
I am sure I gag you all with going on and on about how great our neighbors are... but SERIOUSLY! Cody (Melissa's hubby) volunteered to help Dustin out all weekend long. They got started on Friday and haven't stopped since.
They are building a retaining wall, then we are going to bring in some fill dirt to level our back yard. It will be so nice to have M in the back yard playing instead of so close to the road!
Here is a picture of the reatining wall coming together. Our front yard looks like disaster zone rigth now. We have the backhoe parked by the house and we have 10 tons of gravel sitting in the middle of our driveway.
I cannot wait until it gets finished! The guys have been working until it is too dark to work.

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