More Patriotic Clothes/No TV

Thursday, July 07, 2011

My sweet girl is still sporting all of her red, white and blues! She has had the best week since Mrs. Sherry is back from vacation! I love the smell of the sunscreen/bug spray in her hair when she gets home :)

I made her this precious outfit last week, and want to make tons more for her!

Mackenzie had chicken and peaches for dinner.. Sounds gross huh?

We went to the store after work, and by the time we got home, she wanted to eat right then! I made our spaghetti while she ate, and Dustin finished it up while I gave her a bath.

And this is totally off subject, but Dustin and I decided to turn off our satellite tv over a month ago and we are loving it! I will admit that I wasn't super happy about it at first, and I still do miss some of my trash tv. I have been watching some of my favorite shows on the internet for FREE!! You usually have to wait til the next night to see them but that is fine with me! I have just been watching The Bachelorette, Combat Hospital, Army Wives, Flashpoint and One Tree Hill. Now that Big Brother just started back tonight, I plan on watching that a lot!

And we have discovered the Redbox movies at Walmart. You can rent a new released movie for $1 a night. And since we signed up on our email, we are watching The Switch for free tonight! Woo Hoo :)

And, it is forcing me to blog more! Double Bonus :)

Patriotic Clothes & Nene's Birthday!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

We are still rocking our Red, White and Blue!!

Mackenzie and I have the best times in the mornings! She wakes up in the best mood and we just have such a great routine.. Dustin is at work by the time we get up so it is our girl time.

I get her dressed and she follows me into my bathroom and plays on the counter while I get ready.. then we brush our teeth! M kicks in the water and turns it off and on a lot! (And by the way, just in case you see him in the background.. Dustin had to go to NWA this morning so he was still home when I took these pics. haha!)

She usually throws a mild fit when its time to dry our legs off and let go of the toothbrush!

I love the back of this outfit my mom got her!

And speaking of my mom...

Happy Birthday Nene!! We love you and miss you!!

And I will leave you with a video of Mackenzie from tonight. She was eating chicken nuggets and tomatoes and the last couple of bites, she started eating like a dog.

There is hardly any conversation in this video, because it was one of those {} but {} moments. :)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Mackenzie has accumulated lots of 4th of July clothing the last few weeks, so we are going to have a very patriotic week!

I love the color of this shirt.. I really makes her eyes shine!

Mrs. Sherry has been on vacation the last couple weeks and M was so glad to be back on her routine! Look how filthy she is :)

Our neighbor has started growing some fruits and veggies and they brought us some Roma Tomatoes this weekend. M is eating them up!

After dinner, Mackenzie had a bath. I love how long her hair is getting :)
Stay tuned for lots of patriotic outfits this week!!

And just want to say how proud I am of Mrs Becky and Mrs Ashley.. They are going to Ethiopia tomorrow with Ordinary Hero. I cannot wait to hear all about their trip! They are going to do amazing things!

4th of July!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

I hope everyone had a great Independence Day!

Mackenzie with her Hero!

We had a really great day..

We hung out at home most of the day..

We went to the Greenwood Freedom Fest for all of 5 minutes, then headed to Booneville.

Mackenzie on Memaw's front steps

My cousin, Kali, and M

My sisters and I have spent MANY hours on this front porch iron column!

We walked

..and walked

All of my Oklahoma City family was in for Uncle Bobby's funeral, and I was so glad to see them! We had hamburgers and hot dogs... Aunt Audie brought over chocolate covered strawberries :) M was taking very small bites at first, then just put the whole strawberry in her mouth haha!

We headed home when Mackenzie got sleepy, and we got a speeding WARNING right past my parents house. I'm so glad he didn't give us a ticket! Dustin and I just watched the town firework show on our back deck after we laid M down.

I am so thankful that we have so many family and friends that serve to make our country so free! God bless the USA!

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