Ok, I know Mackenzie will D.I.E. when she is older when she sees this but I just couldn't resist. When I take her to Mrs. Sherry's in the mornings, I try to put a bobby pin or pony tail in her hair but it usually ends up out of her hair by the end of the day....
On Christmas Eve, we stayed the night at my parents house. Dustin did Christmas with his parents and brother at midnight, where he received his iPhone 4!!! Mackenzie did not sleep good at.all. She was up three times, and she was ready to play every time she woke up. Finally, we broke down and all got up around 7...
We open all our gift at my Memaw's on Christmas morning. We were going to let M play with all her Santa gifts while we passed out everyone else's gift, and that is when her meltdown started! She was starving so Aunt Hannah fed her and we got back to business!
So Duffy gets Hannah, Kaci and I pajamas every year for Christmas from Victoria's Secret... And since M is the new woman in his life he thought she should have some pj's too.... Hers came from Children's Place, but she had to have her own VS box! (And btw he got me the cutest razorback pjs from VS.... The top says I only sleep in red and white! how cute is that?)
Along with my awesome new Embroidery Machine!!
We went to Dustin's parents house around noon and did gift with them too... Mackenzie got a precious American Girl Baby Doll ( I LOVE ) new clothes, and a portable dvd player from Aunt Pam! She also got a Baby Alive that is machine washable!
She hadn't had a nap all day, so we were so glad she took a 2 1/2 hour nap at her Grandparents house!
I am awful! I did not get one family picture of us on Christmas day! :(
We had a wonderful 1st Christmas with Mackenzie...
We had a very low key weekend...
Friday night, we went to our Christmas Party, and Mackenzie and I woke up Saturday not feeling very well.. We cleaned up around the house Saturday morning, and I went with mom Saturday afternoon to run some errands. We went to the Crazy Lady Antique Mall, then headed to Fort Smith for some groceries and I got Mackenzie a super cute ornament from Inscriptions.... "Born to be a Hog's fan" (I will post pictures later)
Sunday morning, we were still not feeling very well, and Mackenzie didn't need to go to the Nursery at church with a stuffy nose! We can't chance getting the other sweet babies or caregivers the cold. So, we stayed home while Dustin went to church.
Here is my future Razorback Cheerleader (and ZTA for her aunt!) upstairs in the hog room last night. Mom had DVR'd a special when DJ Williams received the Mackey Award for being an inspirational player.
Mom just text me and said that our Sugar Bowl tickets should be in the mail by the end of this week!!! Woo Pig Sooie!
I just finished the most adorable shoes ever!! They turned out better than I even imagined!
Last night, we had our Christmas Party for our Life Group. We picked up Mackenzie from Mrs. Sherry's and got her bathed, fed, wrapped gifts, grabbed some food for the potluck, and got ourselves ready in 2 hours! (And we weren't late!) :)
We had a lot of fun. We ate and played dirty santa. Dustin started out with the CUTEST Razorback ornament that Angela painted, but Lindsey B. stole it from him. And, I started out with a vintage Razorback, but sweet Shaina stole him :) We ended up with bamboo place settings, candy cane decorations, bath oil, and a picture frame! It was a lot of fun.
This sweet girl wasn't just the angel that I hoped she would be in the nursery... She slept for about an hour, then she was ready to be home in her bed! When we did get home, she was ready to play!
She loves playing with her Christmas tree. We let her wind down for a little bit before we put her to bed. She didn't even make a peep when we laid her down. She was wore out! :) She let us sleep until 8 this morning too... and that was Awesome!
I am loving these sweet pajamas from Children's Place.
Mackenzie, you are eight months old!! Yikes, where has time gone?
You would rather be spoon fed instead of taking a bottle these days. Right now you are really in to yogurt, blueberries, bananas, soup, and tomatoes.. And how could I forget.. PICKLES!
You are pulling up on everything! I cannot believe you are big enough to do that!! You are a really good crawling.. You crawl straight to daddy's magazines in the bathroom and immediately start chomping down on them.
Just this week, I have seen you clapping and waving bye.
You LOVE going to Mrs. Sherry's. There are so many big kids that you can play with. Your nickname from Mrs. Sherry and Mr. Jim this month is Stinkpot. Which is appropriate since your diapers STINK!! :) You just cut your first tooth (it is on the bottom), and you want to chew on everything.
Your hair is out of control! I just love how much hair you have! (It is longer than mine!) You are loving bath time. We just recently started giving you your bath in the bath tub and you LOVE it! You splash and chase after all of your toys, and you are so good to let me lay you down and wash all that hair!
You want to go to bed a 7 p.m. on.the.dot. You want your bedtime bottle about 6:45, then you are satisfied if we go lay you in bed...which we love!! Sometimes you sleep through the night, but most nights you want a bottle at 3 a.m.
We love you more and more every day! Time has just flown by, and we have enjoyed every second of it. It is getting so close to your very 1st Christmas, and I cannot wait! You are such a joy. Everyone always comments that you are such a happy baby. You are a big ham (especially at church) You are a huge blessing sweet Mackenzie! Love you to pieces!