My Week in Picture Texts

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Mom and I left for the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans early Sunday morning. I had requested that Dustin send me pictures of Mackenzie while we were gone.... Here are a few of the pictures that I have received so far...

Mackenzie in the Kitchen with a Rubber Duck in her mouth.. The caption that her dad sent:
"Safe to say she likes duck!!!!!!!!"

Another picture of her with the duck.... I bet she is enjoying her time with daddy.. She doesn't have to wear a bow when mom is away! :)

Mackenzie woke up from a nap and her daddy found this in her bed.. The caption:
"She loves her mobile"

Sleepy girl after a very long day! Dustin is having to drop her off at Mrs Sherry's at 6:30 on his way to work.... She is wearing her new shirt that her daddy bought her at Academy.

In the cart at Academy... He said I know you will kill me for no bow.
I know the bows are super cute (I can't lie!) but with that much hair, we have to use a bow to pull it out of her face so she can see! Everyone tells us we need to get it cut but I will tell you NO WAY, NO HOW!! She was blessed with gorgeous hair and we want it to grow out... No bangs for us!

I have also received a picture of Mackenzie standing at the back door after she spilled Sarge's water everywhere, and a picture this morning in her "I've been a Hog fan my whole life" shirt that she is wearing today for the big game! I couldn't get those pictures to load on my computer though..

Mom and I are having a blast! I left my camera cord in the car last night and you DO NOT go outside at night unless you absolutely have to around here! :) Look for us at the Sugar Bowl Tonight!

Last night, we went to the Darius Rucker concert, where we called the Hogs a lot! A lady turned around and said "Is it just me or is that the most annoying sound in the world?" I moved my coat so she could see my shirt and as nice as I could I said "That's our sound!" She turned around quickly! :)

Hopefully we crush those Buckeyes with our Mallet tonight!

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